Network ToS

  1. Introductory provisions
    1.1 Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague, with registered office at Kamýcká 129, 165 00 Prague – Suchdol, IČO: 60460709, is a university public university in the system of universities of the Czech Republic (hereinafter referred to as “CZU”). Its scope is given by Act no. 111/1998 Coll., on universities and on the amendment and addition of other laws (the Act on Universities), as amended (hereinafter referred to as the “Act on Universities”).
    1.2 CZU provides the portal (hereinafter referred to as the “portal”) as part of its activities through the Graduway service.
    1.3 It is forbidden to interfere in any way with the technical nature or content of the portal without the express written consent of CZU. Only CZU has the right to decide on the change, removal or addition of any part of the portal.
    1.4 CZU hereby issues general terms and conditions for using the portal (hereinafter referred to as “terms and conditions”). These conditions apply to all persons who intend to use the portal. These conditions govern the contractual relationship between CZU and the user of the service (hereinafter also referred to as the “user”) and are binding for the participants. The contractual relationship between CZU and the user is established by registration on the portal. These conditions in their current and updated version are available on the network.czu website. 

  2. Terms of use of the portal
    2.1 Only a person over the age of 18 can be a user of the portal.
    2.2 The user of the portal is obliged to use the portal in accordance with these conditions, only for legal purposes and in a way that does not violate or limit the rights of CZU or third parties.
    2.3 It is forbidden to share obscene or offensive content, otherwise disrupt the operation of the portal or impersonate another person (e.g. by misusing the login data of third parties, etc.)

  3. Intellectual property
    3.1 CZU is the operator of the portal, which is in accordance with Act. C. 121/2000 Coll., Copyright Act, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the “Copyright Act”) authorized to exercise property rights to this portal (internet pages). It is forbidden to copy any part of the content, appearance or program code of the portal (internet pages).
    3.2 Unless otherwise stated, CZU is considered the owner of all copyrights, trademarks, industrial design rights, patents and other intellectual property rights (registered and unregistered) and all content placed on the portal.
    3.3 It is not permitted to copy, reproduce, publish, disassemble, download, share, broadcast or otherwise use any content or part of it published on the portal without the prior express written consent of CZU.

  4. Personal content
    4.1 The Portal Pages allow users to post, post and upload information and content to the Portal.
    4.2 The User may not publish, send or upload information and content:
    (a) if he does not own or have the appropriate rights of use relating to such information or content and/or if he is not sure that posting, sending or uploading it does not infringe the rights of third parties;
    (b) which is or could be considered offensive, defamatory or inappropriate to CZU, its students, clients, related persons or third parties or organizations;
    (c) that contains any offensive, obscene or criminal content or content that may cause harm to CZU, its students, clients, related persons or third parties or organizations;
    (d) that contains confidential information about CZU, a third party or organization, unless the user has permission to do so from CZU or the relevant third party or organization;
    (e) that contains any personal information of others, including name, contact information or sensitive personal information (eg information about mental and physical health, race or ethnicity or religious beliefs).
    4.3 CZU is not responsible for the information and/or content that the user publishes, sends or uploads to the portal. CZU reserves the right, without prior notice and at its discretion, to remove information and/or content that the user of the portal publishes, sends or uploads, and to take actions against the user of the portal that are available to CZU according to the applicable legislation.

  5. Accuracy of Information and Content on the Portal
    5.1 CZU reserves the right to modify or change the information and content of the portal at any time, without prior notice.
    5.2 Links to other websites may be published on the portal. CZU is not responsible for the content of other websites. The posting of a link to another website is not considered to imply any kind of endorsement of that website. When using a link to another website located on the portal, it is the user’s full responsibility to familiarize themselves with the terms of use of this other website.

  6. Responsibility
    6.1 CZU does not guarantee in particular that:
    (a) the use of the portal will be compatible with all kinds of hardware and software,
    (b) use of the portal will be uninterrupted, error-free.
    6.2 It is the User’s responsibility to ensure that, when using the Portal on any device, that device is regularly checked and protected against viruses.
    6.3 The user accepts the fact that his communication with CZU via the portal or e-mail takes place at his own risk and responsibility, and CZU is not responsible for any losses or damages related to this communication.

  7. Personal data protection
    7.1 The protection of personal data of the user of the portal, who is a natural person, is provided in particular in accordance with the general regulation of the European Parliament and the EU Council 2016/679, on the protection of natural persons, in connection with the processing of personal data – General Data Protection Regulation and according to Act No. 110/ 2019 Coll., on the processing of personal data, as amended. By logging into the portal, the user agrees to the processing of his personal data by CZU in the scope of: name, surname, email, password (processed encrypted), date of birth, year of graduation, degree of study, faculty, language of study, nationality, type of mobility, optionally area of interest and where you found out about the possibility of studying at CZU (hereinafter referred to as “personal data”).
    7.2 The user acknowledges that he is obliged to provide his personal data correctly and truthfully.
    7.3 The user confirms that he has been informed that this is a voluntary provision of his personal data. The user can request the removal of his profile from the portal at any time by sending a written message to
    7.4 By registering on the portal, the user declares that he has familiarized himself with the principles of personal data processing by the data controller, with the conditions of collection, processing and storage of personal data, as well as with the rights that he can exercise against the data controller in connection with the processing and storage of personal data and that the data controller has thus fulfilled the information obligation according to Article 13 of the GDPR general regulation. Further information on the processing of personal data at CZU is available on the administrator’s website:
    7.5 If the user expresses an interest in being informed about the processing of his personal data, he can contact the portal administrator by email: and he undertakes to provide him with this information.

  8. Final Provisions and Other Information
    8.1 The user also agrees to the CZU sending information to the electronic address he provided as part of his registration to the portal. The user of the portal is entitled to revoke this consent at any time by sending a written message to the e-mail address specified in paragraph 8.3 of this article.
    8.3 Any questions or comments will be answered by phone: +420 607 286 266 or you can send them to e-mail:
    These terms and conditions are valid and effective from September 1, 2024 until further notice.